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hi i'm Tae!

dedicated student at Stanford.

lover of life.

fitness enthusiast.

aspiring surgeon.


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workout wednesday: killer at home glute pumper

Happy early Workout Wednesday Everyone!! I couldn't wait until Wednesday for this post because I was too excited to share it with you all!

Today I have a GREAT at home, equipment free workout that will make your booty burn!! While at home for winter break, I had to experiment with exercises that I like to call "Pumpers" since I did not have access to a gym or much equipment. Pumpers are essentially body-weight exercises, meaning you are not using any weight in addition to your body weight (or in some cases you are just using light weights). Without a gym, I had to craft workout routines that would continue to grow my muscles with little to no equipment, and I know a lot of people are in this position everyday, so I figured I'd share one of the workouts I put together. Prepare to feel the BURN!!



Equipment Needed: NONE! (Can use bands or light dumbbells if you have access to them but it is NOT necessary)

Time: 30-45 minutes (depending on the time you take for breaks between sets)

Important Notes:

1) This workout is broken up into SuperSets, which means that you complete BOTH exercises in the set before taking your rest.

2) Any of the squat variations can be performed with a band right above the knees or holding a dumbbell. But again, they are NOT necessary to feel the burn!!

SUPERSET 1: [4 sets]

🔥 Air Squats: 20 reps

🔥 Pulse Squats: until failure

SUPERSET 2: [4 sets]

🔥 Incline Single Leg Hip Thrust: 15 reps/leg

🔥 Incline Hip Thrust: 15 reps

SUPERSET 3: [4 sets]

🔥 Step Ups w/ Kickback: 15 reps/leg

🔥 Hopscotch Squat: 20 reps


Exercise Glossary:


*Squeeze the glutes on the way up and at the top of the motion.

*Keep them slow and controlled.

*Band can be placed around lower thigh or a dumbbell can be held


*Similar to Air Squats, except do not come all the way up to the top. Stay low and engaged.

* Still squeeze the glutes on the way up.

*Keep them slow and controlled.

*Band can be placed around lower thigh or a dumbbell can be held.


*Place one leg on an elevated surface (chair, couch, small table, bench) and extend other leg while laying flat on ground.

*Push through the heel to propel body upwards. Squeeze through the glutes from the bottom to the top of the motion. Lower torso back down and repeat.

*Keep them SLOW and controlled.


*Place both legs on an elevated surface (chair, couch, small table, bench) while laying flat on ground.

*Push through heels to propel body upwards. Squeeze through the glutes from the bottom to the top of the motion. Lower torso back down and repeat.

*Keep them SLOW and controlled.


*Bring one leg up onto elevated surface (chair, bench, etc.) and push your body up through your heel.

*Kick back/lift the opposite leg while at the top of the movement and contract the glute.

*Keeping the first leg on the elevated surface, place the kickback leg back onto the ground and repeat the movements. Then switch sides.

*Dumbbells can be held.


*Start with your legs together. Jump out into a squat (not pictured) and quickly hop back into the starting position. That is 1 rep. Repeat the motions.

*Band can be placed around lower thigh and/or around ankles.


Alright! There you have it! A KILLER at home EQUIPMENT FREE Booty-Pumping Workout!! Let me know if you give it a try! I have done this EXACT workout and the burn is actually insane!! Keep an eye out on my Instagram for more full length workouts and fitness tips! I'll see you all next week :)

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